Privacy Policy

At, our visitors’ privacy is of utmost importance. This site can be reached from 1. This Privacy Policy document details what type of data AbetterHandyman collects and records as well as how this data will be utilized. If you require any further inquiries or information on our Privacy Policy, please email us at.

Website Type

Our website specializes in Home Improvement services.

Information Collection and Use

At our organization, we collect various types of data to enhance the service we offer our customers.
Types of Data Collected Edward James’ Personal Data: We may use your information for the following purposes.
Personalize and enhance your experience on our website. Enhance and process transactions. Third-Party Access
We do not permit third parties to access our site to process data, although third-party payment services may be used.
Location Of Our Website Our website is operated from within the United States of America.

Children's Information

Our website is not designed for those under 13 and does not collect personally identifiable data from children under 13. Furthermore, no knowingly collected identifiable personal data from those under 13.
Security | Data Storage We have implemented safeguards to safeguard the security of your personal information against any unauthorized access, modification, disclosure or destruction.

Users have several rights

Access and Correction to their Data

Access, Correction, and Erasure of your data. And You have the Right to Oppose the Processing of Your Data by Our Site By using it you agree and accept our Privacy Policy terms and conditions.


This Privacy Policy may be amended if there are updates, amendments, or modifications made to our existing Policies. This page will also be updated accordingly if there are updates to existing Privacy Policies.
Contact Us: If you have any inquiries or suggestions related to our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact us directly at